Thursday, May 20, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Video 2 - Another One
Sometimes life becomes so routine, we don't have to think about a thing we're doing through the day, many people fall some where in daily routine, things are repeated regularly and tend to accrue subconsciously without thinking, so we do them unconsciously.
example all the things that we have learned so well that we do them without thinking unconsciously, becomes a habit, example smoking becomes more as a habit.
Smoking can represent the passing time, it makes the time pass quickly, also if we want to show that the person is waiting for something to happen. All that can appear without an obviously cause.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Video 2 - Another One
One common thing between them, that's make them meet regularly at the breaks, and make them feel relax which also let the time pass, the cigarette.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Video 1 - Steeling with Style
we used to live among and relate to system of signs with meaning, that they are a development of our culture and it get's easier when we are using signs and expectations generated by the belief of our traditional cultures to reach our goals.
it's a tool for arriving at the ideal goal of making the audience think of what we want without showing them the clear image, make the viewer imagine and expect what we want him to expect by using an abstract image of that expectation but it's necessary to recognize how both the character and the representation belonging to the idea and the concept.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Video 1 - Steeling with Style
i was leaving in my car when i noticed this two men trying to get out their key that they forgot inside the car,
i start Recording.